Privacy policy

Information Clause for Individuals Providing Data in Connection with the Desire to Establish a Business Relationship:

Who is the administrator of your personal data (Data Controller)?

BRX ENERGY LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY KRS Number 0000990982 Tax Identification Number (NIP) 2220923446 National Business Registry Number (REGON) 52306707700000

How can you contact us to get more information about the processing of your personal data?

Personal and written contact UL. Oświęcimska 54, 41-400 Mysłowice Telephone contact +48 884008220 Direct contact to the person responsible for personal data protection: on working days between 09-14 email:

What is the purpose and basis for processing personal data?

  • Execution of the legitimate purpose of the Personal Data Administrator – (art. 6 par. 1 item f. GDPR), including establishing business relationships, as well as pursuing and defending against claims.
  • Processing is necessary to perform a contract or to take action at the request of the data subject before entering into a contract – (art. 6 par. 1 item b. GDPR).
  • Fulfillment of legal obligations incumbent on the Personal Data Administrator, including maintaining a register for handling data subject requests (art. 6 par. 1 item c. GDPR).

Source of data origin

Your data comes from publicly available sources, where it has been made available as contact data for the purpose of establishing business relations with the company you represent or has been transferred by its representative.

What personal data of yours do we process in connection with the submission of a request/inquiry?

  • Identification data: first name, last name
  • Business data: such as business email address, business phone number, position

How long do we store your personal data?

  • For the purpose of establishing relations and for the entire duration of conversations and communication in this regard, but no longer than for a period of 2 years from the attempt to make contact or the end of communication.
  • In connection with the fulfillment of the request for the duration of the request and after its fulfillment for the period necessary to ensure accountability and possibly demonstrate taking appropriate actions in the course of administrative proceedings – for a period of 6 years.
  • In terms of defense against claims for the period resulting from the provisions of the Civil Code concerning the limitation of claims, i.e., 6 years from the end of the calendar year.

To whom and in what situations is your personal data transferred?

  • To entities providing technical support or service providers (telecommunications, IT, hosting).
  • To entities providing advisory or legal assistance, accounting/auditing support.
  • To authorities and offices authorized by separate regulations.
  • To entities that will perform part of the service ordered by you on our behalf, to the extent necessary for its execution.

What rights do you have in connection with the processing of your personal data by us?

  • The right to access data and receive a copy of it.
  • The right to rectify your data.
  • The right to delete data (limited by circumstances and legal provisions).
  • The right to request restriction of their processing.
  • The right to data portability.
  • The right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.

Additionally, at any time, you have:

  • The right to object (limited by circumstances and legal provisions).

Is your data profiled and subject to automated decision-making?

Your Personal Data will not be profiled or subject to automated decision-making.

Is your data transferred outside the European Economic Area?

Your data will be processed exclusively within the EEA.

Supervisory Authority: Office for Personal Data Protection ul. Stawki 2, 00-193 Warsaw tel: 22 531 03 00, email:

Helpline 606 950 000 Electronic submission box /UODO/SkrytkaESP